Martha, wife of Peter Stodard
, was indicted for that she, on the 4th of June, about the hour of one in the day, the dwelling house of George Hoy , did
break and enter, no person being therein, and stealing a coat and waistcoat, value 20 s. a man's hat, value 5 s. a perriwig,
value 5 s. a shirt, value 5 s. a pair of worsted hose, a silk handkerchief, a gold ring, a pair of iron shoe-buckles plaited,
a moiodore, a 6 s. and 9 d. piece, a quarter guinea, and 14 shillings in money, numbered, the property of the said George,
in his dwelling-house. +
George Hoy . I am a labouring man, and live in Dowl-street,
Wapping, the prisoner was my next door neighbour; I went out to work on the 4th of June, about five; my wife died about a
fortnight before, so I locked up my house, and left nobody in it; I came home about six in the afternoon, and found my back-door
open which I had left bolted with two bolts; I had but one room; I missed the clothes, ring, and money mentioned in the indictment;
the money was taken out of a corner-cupboard which I left locked; two days after I saw my coat hanging up at Mr. Coloman's
door in the Minories; he told me he bought it of a woman, which he should know could he see her; he described the prisoner,
I took her to him; he said he bought the gold ring of her, but had sold it; I got a search-warrant, and searched her house,
and found my hat and shirt, a pair of stockings, and a handkerchief (produced and deposed to;) her husband has since sold
all his goods and gone to sea.
David Coleman . I gave the prisoner
four shillings for a gold ring, but have sold it; I bought this coat of her for seven shillings (produced and deposed to by
prosecutor;) the prisoner said he: husband was drowned the day before at London-bridge.
Prisoner's defence.
I never was in his house in my
Guilty of felony only. T.
EDWARD LAW, theft: animal
theft, 10 Sep 1829
1652. EDWARD LAW was indicted
for stealing, on the 7th of September, 4 live tame ducks, price 3s., the property of John Pursar.
JOHN PURSAR. I am a carman. On
the 7th of September, about half-past five o'clock in the morning, I was in the shed; my wife called me into the house, and
I found the prisoner there - the ducks had gone out; the prisoner said he had not hurt them - I had seen them safe that morning;
I had six of them.
NANCY PURSAR. I am the prosecutor's
wife. I saw the prisoner, who had the four ducks, in his apron at the end of a court, about three doors from our place in
Globe-fields - I asked what he had got there; he made no answer - I laid hold of his apron, and some of them fell down; I
took hold of his coat and he said, "Let me go, I have not hurt them."
GEORGE HOY. I heard a noise,
looked out of window, and saw the prisoner come out of the court with the ducks in his apron; the prosecutrix laid hold of
him - I came down, and took hold of him; he said he was going to sell one of them to get bread for his breakfast.
Prisoner's Defence. I never said
I meant to sell one of them.
GUILTY. Aged 23.
Recommended to Mercy by the prosecutor,
having heard a good character of him.
Confined Two Months.