822. MARY HOY was indicted for
stealing, on the 19th of May, four 1 l. bank notes, the property of Sampson Cook, from his person.
SAMPSON COOK. I am a seaman.
On the 21st of May, I saw the prisoner standing at a door in Bluegate-fields. I went up stairs, and pulled four 1 l. notes
out of my pocket - she snatched them out of my hand and ran away. I never saw her again until the Friday, when I found her
at the same house. I am sure she is the woman.
Prisoner's Defence. I am not
the person who went up stairs with the prosecutor; I went up after he said he had been robbed. He afterwards came to the house,
and pointed me out instead of the right girl.
GUILTY. Aged 19.
Confined One Year.
First Middlesex Jury, before Mr. Baron