Joseph Fuller , was indicted
for stealing one shirt, val. 2 s. the property of Henry Hoy , June 18.
Hannah Bennington . I lost this
shirt the same day it was found, which was the 18th of June, out of my bed room. I live in Shoreditch; it was pawned at one
Mr. Bonivel's house.
Q. Did you see the prisoner in
your room?
H. Bennington. I did, and missed
the shirt the minute after. It is the property of Henry Hoy .
Thomas Bonivel . The prisoner
brought this shirt to me to pawn the 18th of June. I questioned him if it was his own, he said it was his brother's; I said,
where is your brother? he said at a house in Petticoat lane ; accordingly I took it in, and about three hours after my next
door neighbour came and said to me we have got a thief; they wanted to carry him before a magistrate; I being head borough
I went to see him and knew him again, then I found he had stole this shirt. I put the shirt in my pocket and carried him before
Sir Samuel Gore : this woman was asked whether there was a mark on the shirt; she said there was, either black or blue. I
looked and found it to be as she described, so he was committed.
Prisoner's Defence. This pawnbroker
takes in things on Sundays: I told him if he took in any thing of my wife's I would take him up; so the next day he took me
up for stealing a shirt, he said.
Guilty 10 d.